Wednesday 3 June 2009

3 thngs that a blog need

  1. posts - If a blog doesnt have posts to viewers to see, I have no reason to go on the blog and view
  2. URL- If a blog has a URL, I can view and go on the blog easily.
  3. Comments - If I don't have any comments to see, I won't know what my mistakes are and what parts I need to improve.

Wednesday 13 May 2009

MSW Logo : HW1

What is programming?
Computer programming is the process of writing, testing. This source code is written in a programmng language. The purpose of programming is to create a program that exhibits a certain desired behaviour.

What a programming Language is?
A programming language is a machine-readable artificial language that is performed by a machine, usually ba a computer. It can be written in symbols, code and numbers.

Different kind of programming languages.
C++,C#++,C#Java, Haskell, ML, Ruby, Lisp, JavaScript, and Python.

What is MSW-Logo is?
MSW-Logo is a computer programming language used for functional programming.It can also be used for educantion.

Friday 1 May 2009

Steps to create a dancing stickman.

  1. Open the Pivot stickfigure Animator.
  2. Move the arms and legs a little bit.
  3. Click 'next frame'.
  4. Repeat it many times with changing arms and legs.
  5. After finishing making animation, click 'play' botton to check how it goes.
  6. Fix some mistakes.
  7. Save the animation as 'Dancing' in year9 file.

Monday 27 April 2009

Stickfigure Animation 2

Example of Body Bending

Example of Head Bending
Example of Running
Example of Knee Rotation

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Stickfigure Animation - Classwork

Example of a walking figure.
Example of a dancing figure.
Example of a jumping figure.

Homework 1

What is Animation?

Animation is caused by displaying still images one after another. It can't move by itself. It goes fairly fast so it looks like it's alive. Often, it is used for entertainment purposes. It can be used for educational purposes-showing places or animals and displaying.

How does it help?

  • It can be used for educational purposes-showing places, plants, animals etc.
  • It is used for entertainment purposes.
  • People can sell it and earn money.
  • Children can be happy by watching it. They can think more creative

What are the importance of animation?

  • It can reflect the society
  • Animation workers will lose thier jobs if animation extincts.
  • People can have fun.