Wednesday, 18 February 2009

MS Access : Report rbtclient

Cilent Number - Name - Current due - Amount paid
BS27 - Blant and Sons $892.50 $21,876.00

CP27 -Calder Plastics $0.00 $8,725.00
CE16 -Center Services $2,672.00 $26,512.00
EU28 -Elba's Furniture $1,202.00 $4,256.00
FL93 -Fairland Lawn $0.00 $21,625.00
FI28 -Farrow-Idsen $925.50 $8,237.50
HN83 -Hurley National $0.00 $0.00
MC28 -Morgan-Alyssa $1,572.00 $24,761.00
PS82 -ORIM Staffing $2,827.00 $11,682.25
TE26 -Telton-Edwards $0.00 $8,521.50
HJ12 -Youn Hee Jin $0.00 $0.00

Monday, 16 February 2009

Quaries of Client and Trainer

Display Client name where trainer number
is “48” of Client name is “Morgan Alyssa.

SELECT Client.[Cilent Number],, Client.[trainer number]
FROM Client
WHERE ((("Morgan-Alyssa") AND ((Client.[trainer number])="48"))

Saturday, 14 February 2009

The structure of the table of trainer

Trainer Number - Text
Last Name -Text
First Name -Text
Address -Text
City -Text
State -Text
Zip Code -Text
Hourly Rate -Currency
YTD Earnings -Currency

The structure of the table of client

Client Number - Text
Name - Text
Address - Text
City -Text
State -Text
Zip Code -Text
Amount Paid -Currency
Current Due - Currency
Trainer Number - Text

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Structure of the table of passenger

Pessenger number autonumber
Date'/time Date/ time
Last name text
First name text
Contact number number
Emergency number number
Mobile number number
Photo images

Structure of the studnet table

ID card number
phone number
home adress

Student table



Sunday, 1 February 2009

What is database?

Databaases are used to store large amounts of information, and alow you to sort and filter the information of dataa to privede useful reports. A database is based on tables of data, and each table contains many fields.There are many different data types-test, number, date/time currency, yes/no, autonumber.